Preparing For The Arrival Of Your New Bernedoodle Puppy
Bringing your new puppy home is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. When they initially arrive, it is vital to realize that they will require time to adjust to you and your surroundings. They will have gone through a lot of changes in a short period of time and will be far away from all they are used to. You’ll learn different strategies and practices from the experts to help you succeed as a Bernedoodle owner from the first few days through caring for your dog in old age. So, be prepared and have lots of patience.
Bernedoodle: An Overview
The Bernedoodle first appeared in the early 2000s. The rising popularity has resulted in an increase in the number of breeders producing these puppies. Bernedoodles are a mix of a Bernese Mountain dog and a poodle. This crossbreed combines the poodle’s witty antics with the Bernese’s calm fidelity. Furthermore, the Bernedoodle sheds minimally to non-existent, making it a good choice for most allergy sufferers. These pups have the greatest personality features from both sides: they’re goofy, clever, devoted to their family, and sociable! Any Bernedoodle may make a terrific fit for a household and develop warm demeanors toward new people with solid basic obedience and early socialization. Although these puppies are classified as working dogs and require daily exercise, they are willing to spend time with you at home. If you’re looking for a Bernedoodle, there are several respectable breeders that specialize in these puppies, but you may also look for them in shelters or rescue groups that specialize in Poodles and Bernese Mountain Dogs. Please read the guidelines and information below before bringing your puppy home.
1. Talk to the Breeder
At this point, your breeder is the only person on the planet who truly understands your puppy. Make the most of this knowledge and seek out as much guidance as possible. General inquiries regarding the health of the puppy and its parents, feeding times and any routines they have and is your puppy is interacting with the other members of the litter are all things you should ask the breeder.
2. Visit the Vet
When it comes to taking care of your new Bernedoodle puppy, schedule an appointment with your veterinarian in the first week! You and your puppy’s veterinarian may talk about your puppy’s dietary needs, growth development, vaccine, and spay/neuter schedules, and ask about any concerns you have about your Bernedoodles’ health. Bernedoodles, like many large breed working dogs, can develop joint dysplasia. Blood problems, certain malignancies, and progressive retinal degeneration have all been reported in Bernese Mountain Dogs. Bernedoodles are generally healthy and strong, especially if they are purchased from a reputable breeder. Brushing your Bernedoodle puppy’s teeth regularly will help to prevent dental decay, gum disease, and poor breath.
3. Pet Insurance
Consider getting pet insurance for your dog or making a contingency plan in case something goes wrong. Pet insurance protects your pet in the case of an emergency.
4. Puppy Food
Choose a nutritious puppy food that has been specially created to fulfill the nutritional requirements of pups. Consult your veterinarian about the finest pet food for your new puppy. Dog chow comes in a variety of tastes; choose one that your puppy likes and stay with it. Changing meals and tastes regularly might create an upset stomach in your new puppy. Purchase enough dog food to last a few weeks. You won’t have to run out to acquire pet food in the first few weeks with the puppy if you do it this way.
5. Supplies Checklist
For a new pet, most people think about acquiring a water dish and a food bowl, but other necessities may be overlooked. Stocking up on all the items you’ll likely need for your new puppy will save you time and probable frustration. Dog chow comes in a variety of tastes; choose one that your puppy likes and stay with it. Changing meals and tastes regularly might create an upset stomach in your new puppy. Purchase enough dog food to last a few weeks. You won’t have to run out to acquire pet food in the first few weeks with the puppy if you do it this way. Think about what you’ll need in your house to keep your dog secure. Consider buying your dog the following items:
- Barriers for pets
- Pads for puppies
- Bags for poo
- Bowl of food
- Water bowl/container
- Collar and leash for travel to the veterinarian
- Toys to chew
- Cleaning tools for your dog like cleaning brush, shampoo
- Toys and treats for your little furry friend
Make a shopping list based on the needs your new puppy is likely to have. This will guarantee that you don’t neglect anything your pet may require. You can also buy some special treats for your pet.
6. Bring Your Puppy Home
Your first ride home with your new furry friend with be unforgettable and a very special moment for both of you. Keep in mind that your puppy might be a little scared of the new changes in life, so be very careful and patient with your dog. Make sure that they feel comfortable with you on your first ride with your puppy when bringing them home. It’s helpful to have a crate on hand just in case, and it’ll be a must if you’re picking up your puppy by yourself. The crate should be large enough for the puppy to stand up and turn around in, and it should last at least six months. For spills, bring paper towels or wet wipes, plastic bags, and an old towel. An additional bottle of water and a water dish It’s preferable to take your new puppy out to the car for their first voyage home and then introduce the collar and leash a few days later. If you have a long journey ahead of you, I recommend setting up a pop-up playpen or x-pen with pee pads for them to relieve themselves and stretch their legs. You don’t want them to go pee at rest stations or other places where other dogs have gone.
7. Training
When it comes to teaching your puppy, consistency is crucial. They’ll be eager to please you, so give them plenty of praise. Set clear limits and boundaries, then stick to them. For the first several weeks of toilet training, I would advocate bringing them outdoors every hour during the day. Every time, take them to the same location. When they finish the activity, make sure to congratulate them with a good reaction! Your puppy will also need to go outdoors as soon as he or she wakes up and within a few minutes of eating or drinking. It’s also a good idea to start bell training your puppy from the beginning. Hang a bell near the entrance and have them touch it with their paw every time you take them outside to pee. You may need to assist them at first, but they will rapidly learn.
8. Prepare Your Family
Preparing your family members for a new dog is as important as preparing the house. Talk to everyone in your family about what to do if your puppy has a medical emergency while you’re away. Also, don’t overlook the necessity of establishing ground rules for your new puppy’s play. Make sure that little children understand that roughhousing with a new dog is not acceptable. Explain to young children how a puppy has certain requirements and requires particular care. Discuss ways to avoid dog attacks. When it comes to conducting, be clear about what is and is not acceptable. It’s hard to anticipate how a puppy will act all of the time because it’s a live thing with its own wants, needs, and flaws. So, explain to your kids how important it is to have empathy for animals.
Final Thoughts
Bringing your Bernedoodle home will be the most significant event in your puppy’s life, and it will almost probably be the strangest. They are suddenly alone and confused about what is occurring after being separated from their parents and siblings. You can make this transition simpler for your Bernedoodle by making the necessary preparations. If you, do it correctly, they’ll give you their famed Bernese Mountain Dog loyalty and build a lasting bond with you.